
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Proportion of Cement : Sand

Type Of Work
Proportion of Cement : Sand
Water tank
Bricks work (burnt)
Steps construction(stony)
1:2 ( or cement + water)
Type of Work
Proportion of Cement : Sand : Gravel
Wall construction
Making foundation
1:3:6 or 1:3:5
R.C.C. column or beam
Handpump foundation

Concrete Code and strength

Concrete code and concrete ratio:

Concrete Grade
Proportion of Cement : Sand : Stone pieces
Expected Compressive Strength at 28 days
M10 or M100
1 : 3 : 6
10 N/mm2 or 100 Kg/cm2
M15 or M150
1 : 2 : 4
15 N/mm2 or 150 Kg/cm2
M20 or M200
1 : 1.5 : 3
20 N/mm2 or 200 Kg/cm2
M25 or M250
1 : 1 : 2
25 N/mm2 or 250 Kg/cm2

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vaastu for Hospitals
Our ancients have found out scientifically that sleeping with the heads towards the South will enable one to go with nature and draw the maximum positive energies from the cosmos to keep one fit and healthy. That they were past masters in known and unknown physical and other sciences is clearly understood by the fact that the sleeping direction is correlated with the physical science of magnetism and electricity. The great sage Garga is said have said that one should lie with his head placed southward if he wanted to live long. Sage Markandeya says that one is strong and lives long by placing one's head to the South.

Operation Theater: West zone of the hospital. Never placed in Ishan, Agneya (Southeast), Vayavya (Northwest) corners. At operation theaters the doctors should face East or North direction while doing the operations.

Entrance of the Hospital: Facing East or North.

Patient’s room: Well ventilated openings in the North-East of the room to have positive rays which will help them in healing and recovering soon.

Shelves or racks of medical books: South or West direction.

Electrical equipment like generators, inverters, Heaters: South-East direction.

X-Ray: South Direction.

The toilet blocks: North-West corner of the entire building.

Pooja Room :  Eshan (Northeast) corner

Operation of Patients: The patients head should be at the South direction at the time of operation inside the operation theater. The necessary apparatus should be kept in the South or South-west or west side of the patients’ bed.

ICU: The emergency patients should be located in the South-west room for immediate healing.

Store Room for Medical Apparatus: This room should be in the South West, West or South side only, store room should always be in a height or elevated than the common flooring of the main hospital.

Reception counterNortheast corner of the hospital. Counters have to be placed towards Southwest corner or West or South directions. If Northeast reception could be in lower (floor) place, then management will be benefited.

Medical Equipments Room: This should be located in the South-west, West or South side of the building on elevated floor place. Then the entire remaining hospital building will be lower than this place.

Consultation Room : Doctor should sit at Southwest or south or west side only, and the patients sit before him, 'L' shape is more important at hospital head doctors consultation room, this 'L' shape should be risen only to the northeast direction. Generally North-west side sitting may create some irritating situations, if the building is constructed without vaastu guidance, then you may do one thing, take white paper and draw your hospital plan and find out the Southwest portion of that property and sit there facing towards East. Diagnose the patients by facing North-east or East or the last option is North direction. Northeast will be the entrance for all, and doctor will sits towards Northwest part or West part. No doubt Southwest part is also good for doctor special consulting room.

Nurses' Quarters: Southeast and northwest zones are both suitable for the construction of nurses' quarters.

Vaastu for flats

Vaastu of Flats
Vaastu energy is like a magnetic force and acts upon every person under its influence.
Generally flats have balconies but there locations differ as per the design possibilities. If the flat has balconies in the East and in the North, it is supposed be the best flat. · The flats which have balconies in the West are of middle quality. By keeping in mind these rules one can easily choose the right kind of flat.
Bed Rooms
Prefer the bedroom in the southwest corner as master bed room. The bed room in the south east corner of the flat is good only for guests. Can be used as study room. The North West corner bed room is good for children and old aged persons.
Lifts, Staircase and Sump
It is advisable to construct stairs in the south or west zone of the main building. Stairs in north or east portion of the building are not auspicious. Lift and staircase must be adjacent to each other as much possible.
Escalators or the lift cannot be in the southwest corner of a flat or apartment which will cause Vaastu problems. · Water sumps and swimming pools should not come at southwest corner, south or west directions. Lifts and swimming pools in the center place or “Brahmasthanam” of a flat is not a good Vaastu effect.
Garden in a Flat
Gardens in any flat or apartment should always be in the North or east sides of the plot and within the confines of the compound. The South and West are not to be selected for any kind of garden or plantation. Trees like Asoka, Neem and Coconut planted within the campus in the south and West sides are good for multi-storied structures. There should be no plants or trees exactly in front of the main gate. If the trees are used in garden or open area, tall and dense trees should not be near the building.
Indoor Plants
Light indoor plants can be kept in the North, East and Northeast sectors of your rooms. You may place heavy indoor plants in the South, West and Southwest corners of your rooms. 
Bathrooms and Toilets
Flats with toilets in the North-East should be avoided as they cause health problems.  The toilets can be in the North West and south east corners of a flat. · The toilets in the south west corner must be avoided as they cause severe financial strain.
Keep the closets in the toilets aligned with North-South axis facilitating facing only North or South.
Undivided Share of Land
The plot or piece of land is divided in to undivided shares and registered to every buyer of the flat by the builder. The more the share of the land compared to the carpet area of the flat, the more the flat has open area. When comparing the options of two flats the area of the undivided share of land must be considered as higher of it improves the Vaastu energy.
Main door

Select a flat that has its main door in the east, north, northeast or west of the northwest. Avoid the main door in the south or west of the southwest and east of the southeast. If the flat’s main door is in the inauspicious direction, keep it closed when not in use. Open it only when required. Place a mirror of at least 2 ft. x 2 ft. size on the Eastern or Northern Wall in front of the inauspicious main entrance. The height of the main door should be maximum out of all the doors.
Pictures and Photographs

Pictures of deities can be hung on the Eastern or Western walls. Pictures of deities should face only East or West. Pictures of the departed souls should be placed on the South wall only. Avoid hanging pictures of battle-scenes, wild animals, birds like eagle etc., in the flat. Do not keep photographs of dead persons in the prayer rooms.
Keep the windows and other openings in the Northeast, North and the East always fully open. While using curtains, use thicker and heavier curtains for the Southern and Western openings, and thinner and softer curtains for the Northern and Eastern openings. There should be enough ventilation to each flat of every floor.


Kitchen in every flat should be in the south-east corner.

Chests and Safes
Place your chest or safe in the Southwest corner of the Southwest bedroom facilitating its opening towards North. This will help improving finances and revenues of the family.

Outdoor Areas and Gates

Open area in North or East should be used for parking and park/lawn etc. Two separate gates should be provided in the complex for exit and entry.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Conversion charts of different units

Please enjoy conversion of units of different system



1 kilometer (km) =1000 meters (m) = 0.6214 mile
1 meter (m) = 100 centimeter (cm) = 39.37 in.= 0.3048 feet

1 centimeter (cm) = 10-2m = 0.01 m =0.3937 in.
1 millimeter (mm) = 10-3m = 0.001 m
1 micron (μ) = 10-6m
1 milli micron (mμ) = 10-9m
1 angstrom (A) = 10-10m
1 inch (in.) = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm
1 foot (ft) = 30.48 cm = 0.3048 m = 304.8 mm
1 mile (mi) = 1.609 km= 10-3 inch
1 yard (yd) = 3 ft.


1 square meter (m2) = 10.76 ft2
1 square mile (mi2) = 640 acres
1 square foot (ft2) = 929 cm2
1 decimal = 435.60 ft2
1 bigha = 20 Kattha
1 Kattha = 20 dhur
1 acre = 100 decimal = 43560 ft2  
1 square meter (m2) = 10000 square cm (cm2)
1 square centimeter (cm2) = 1000 square millimeter (mm2)
1 square yard (yd2) = 9 square foot/ feet (ft2)
1 square feet/foot (ft2) = 144 square in (in2) = 0.0929 square meter (m2)
1 square inch = 645.2 mm2

Volume and Mass

 1 deciliter =10 centiliter
1 centiliter =10 milliliter
1 cubic meter (m3) = 1000000 cubic cm (cm3)= 1000 cubic decimeter
1 cubic centimeter (cm3) = 1000 cubic millimeter (mm3)
1 cubic decimeter (dcm3) = 1000 cubic centimeter (cm3)
1 cubic yard (yd3) = 27 cubic foot/ feet (ft3) = 0.7645 cubic meter (m3)
1 cubic feet/foot (ft3) = 1728 cubic in (in3) = 0.02832 cubic meter (m3)
1 cubic in (in3) = 16.39 cubic cm (cm3) = 16387 cubic millimeter (mm3)
1 cord (cd) = 128 cubic feet
1 Teaspoon = 5 millilitre
1 Tablespoon = 3 Teaspoon = 15 millimetre
1 cup = 8 oz. = 16 Tablespoon = 0.2369 liters = 236.588 cubic centimeter
1 U.S. gallon = 4 quart = 128 oz. = 3.785 liters = 231 in3 = 3785 cubic centimeter = 8 pints
1 cubic centimeter (cm3) = 0.061 cubic in (in3)
1 liter (l) = 0.264 U.S. gallon = 1000cm3 = 1.057 quart (qt) = 6102 in3 =0.001 cubic meter= 0.03532 ft3    = 10 deciliter = 1000 milli liters = 1.76 pints = 35.2 fluid oz.
1 cubic meter (m3) = 1000 liter = 35.32 ft3
1 cubic foot (ft3) = 7.481 = 0.02832 m3 = 28.32 l
100 cubic centimeter = 0.423 cups
1 U.S. fluid minims = 61.61152 cubic mm
1 U.S. fluid drams = 60 minims
1 U.S. fluid ounces= 8 fluid drams = 2 Table Spoon
1 U.S. pint (pt) = 16 fluid ounces (oz.) = 0.4732 liters = 473 Milliliters (mls.) = 28.875 Cubic Inches = 2 cups
1 U.S. gills (gi) = 0.25 pint
1 U.S. quart (qt) = 4 cups = 2 pint= 32 fluid ounces (oz.) = 0.9463 liters = 946 Milliliters (mls.)
1 U.S. oil barrel = 42 U.S. gallons
1 British gallon = 1.201 U.S.gallon = 277.4 in3   
1 British fluid minims =59.19379 cu mm
1 British fluid drams =60 minims
1 British fluid ounces =8 fluid drams
1British pint (pt) =20 fluid ounces
1British gills (gi) =0.25 pint
1 British quart (qt) =2 pint
1 British gallon (gal) =4 quart
1 British oil barrel =36 gallons
1British peck (pk) =8 quart
1 British bushel (bu) =32 quart
1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2046 pounds (lb) = 0.06852 slug;
1 lb = 453.6 gm = 0.03108 slug = 0.4536 Kg
1 slug = 32.174 lb = 14.59 kg
1 once = 28.35 gram
1 pound = 0.4536 kg
1 ton = 2000 lb = 907.2 kg


1 km/h = 0.2778 m/sec = 0.6214 mi/h = 0.9113 ft/sec
1mi/h = 1.467 ft/sec = 1.609 km/h = 0.4470 m/sec


1 gm/cm3   = 103 kg/m3 = 62.43 lb/ft3 =1.940 slug/ft3
1 lb/ft3 = 0.01602 gm/cm3
1 slug/ft3  = 0.5154 gm/cm3


1 newton (nt) =105 dynes = 0.1020 kgwt = 0.2248 lbwt
1 pound weight (lbwt) = 4.448 nt = 0.4536 kgwt = 32.17 poundals
1 kilogram weight (kgwt) = 2.205 lbwt = 9.807 nt
1 U.S.short ton = 2000 lbwt
1 long ton = 2240 lbwt
1 metric ton = 2205 lbwt


1 joule =1 nt = 107 ergs = 0.7376 ft lbwt = 0.2389 cal = 9.481 X 10-4 Btu
1 ft lbwt = 1.356 joules = 0.3239 cal =1.285 X 10-3 Btu
1 calorie (cal) = 4.186 joules = 3.087 ft lbwt = 3.968 X 10-3 Btu
1 Btu (British thermal unit) = 778 ft lbwt =1055 joules = 0.293 watt h
1 kilowatt hour (kw h) =3.60 X 106 joules = 860.0 kcal = 3413 Btu
1 electron volt (ev) = 1.602 X 10-19 joule


1 watt = 1 joule/sec = 107 ergs/sec = 0.2389 cal/sec
1 horsepower (hp=550 ft lbwt/sec =33,000 ft lbwt /min =745.7 watts
1 kilowatt (kw) =1.341 hp = 737.6 ft lbwt/sec = 0.9483 Btu/sec


1 nt/m2 =10 dynes/cm2=9.869 X 10-6 atmosphere = 2.089 X 10-2 lbwt/ft2
1 lbwt/in2 =6895 nt/m2 =5.171 cm mercury=27.68 in water

1 atmosphere (atm) =1.013 X 1015 nt/m2 =1.013 X 1015 dynes/cm2 =14.70 lbwt/in2 =76 cm mercury=406.8 in. water

Friday, September 20, 2013

Seismic Zone of India

The design of building requires seismic zone. The below is seismic map of  India as per IS 1893(Part I):2002.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Prefab Building

Prefab building

Prefabricated homes, often referred to as prefab homes, are specialist dwelling types of prefabricated building, which are manufactured off-site in advance, usually in standard sections that can be easily shipped and assembled.
These houses are popular due to low cost and less labour in less time required for  construction  and other restricting conditions such as a lack of power, lack of water, exposure to harsh weather or a hazardous environment are avoided.
The conventional method of building a house is to transport brickstimbercementsandsteel and construction aggregate, etc. to the site, and to construct the house on site from these materials. In prefabricated construction, only the foundations are constructed in this way, while sections of walls, floors and roof are prefabricated (assembled) in a factory (possibly with window and door frames included), transported to the site, lifted into place by a crane and bolted together.
Advantages of prefabrication
1.     High capacity- enabling the realization of important projects
2.     Factory made products
3.     Independent of adverse weather conditions during construction
4.     Continuing erection in winter time until -20 °C
5.     Opportutnities for good architecture
6.     Healthy buildings
7.     Reduced energy consumption
8.     Environmentally friendly way of building with optimum use of materials
9.     Less noise and dust.
10. Cost effective Solutions
11. Reduction in Construction time
12. Safety in Construction
13. Increase in the quality of construction
14. Reduction of Construction waste etc.

1.    Leaks can form at joints in prefabricated components.
2.    Transportation costs may be higher for voluminous prefabricated sections than for the materials of which they are made, which can often be packed more efficiently.
3.    Large prefabricated sections require heavy-duty cranes and precision measurement and handling to place in position.
4.    Larger groups of buildings from the same type of prefabricated elements tend to look drab and monotonous.
5.    Local jobs may be lost, if the work done to fabricate the components being located in a place far away from the place of construction. This means that there are less locals working on any construction project at any time, because fabrication is outsourced.